==== script de deploiement par GPO==== REM ******************************************************************************** REM ****tight vnc install by GPO **** REM **** by Philippe BEAUMONT **** REM **** You must use it in a logon computer script in your Active Directory **** REM **** Not made to use with OCS Logon : Simply use the OCS setup agent **** REM ******************************************************************************** REM **** Please set here the version of the agent you use. REM **** Change it to upgrade the agent on all computer. set VERSION=211222 REM **** You must put here the address of your file server where OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe is. REM **** For exemple : REM **** If OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe is on \\filesserver\public\ocs\OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe REM **** you must put : fileserver\public\ocs set INSTALLSERVER=TKI.lan\NETLOGON REM **** Set to ON if you want install the SSL certificat and activate deployement feature REM **** before enable it : put the file cacert.pem on the sames directory as OCS-NG-Windows-Agent-Setup.exe IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 SET INSTALLDIR=%ProgramFiles% IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 SET INSTALLDIR=%ProgramFiles(x86)% IF EXIST "%INSTALLDIR%\Nuxeo\Drive\ndrivew.exe" goto upgrade :install msiexec /i \\TKI.lan\netlogon\nuxeo-drive.msi APPLICATIONFOLDER="%INSTALLDIR%\Nuxeo\Drive\" /qn cd "%INSTALLDIR%\Nuxeo\Drive\" echo pwouet > %VERSION%.txt goto end :upgrade IF EXIST "%INSTALLDIR%\Nuxeo\Drive\%VERSION%.txt" goto end msiexec /i \\TKI.lan\netlogon\nuxeo-drive.msi APPLICATIONFOLDER="%INSTALLDIR%\Nuxeo\Drive\" /qn cd "%INSTALLDIR%\Nuxeo\Drive\" echo pwouet > %VERSION%.txt :end :endend pause {{tag> gpo deploiement windows }}